Alternative Energy

The energy that we often use more and more reduced or depleted. Because of the wide use of uncontrolled, giving rise to the scarcity or even die out. For that now needs to consider the alternative energy instead of energy which is usually often used. The following are the various alternative energy sources that can be utilized, in addition will help the air to be clean, the savings also will be done.

Wind. Kinetic wind power is now already widely used as a wind player using wind turbines for home or for business purposes. Just one turbine can support up to thirty houses, but because the wind is always blowing, backup power must always remain available.

Sun. Sun-rich tropical countries seem to be very suitable to use this resource. Try using a roof made of solar systems are called photovoltaic cells.

Biodiesel. The basic ingredients of this fuel made from plants like soy, coconut and the like, biodiesel is non-toxic fuel that can be blended with regular diesel or used as is to reduce emissions.

Nuclear. With uranium fuel, metals found in rocks, and processed in a nuclear reactor, the heat energy will be used as an ingredient to turn turbines that exist. These energy sources do not release greenhouse gas emissions. 20% of the power source in the U.S. have nuclear fuel.

Hydrogen. How do you create a resource that did not remove anything but clean water? The answer is hydrogen fuel cells. The problem now is to separate hydrogen from a composition, such as carbon chain or water, means using other resources. Storage of hydrogen is also not easy, because its density is very low, it is very difficult to put hydrogen in large quantities in a narrow room. Hence, although many vehicles began using hydrogen as fuel, it is still difficult to set up hydrogen filling stations.

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  2. nice posting..
