Introduction to Computer Network (10th Grade, Topology)

Computer networking is a system which consists of computer and other network devices that work together to achieve a similar goal. They formed a communication between the computer to:
a. Using of data, resources and others
b. Communication
c. Access information, etc

To achieve the goal of computer network services, there is the request service (client) and service provider (server). This system is called client-server network.

Computer network be formed by connecting the computer using the cable media (cabling) is arranged such that a form of architecture / model relationship between the computer is called topology. The type of network topology is as follows:

1. BUS

computer servers and workstations connected in sequence via a single cable. This topology is simple and easy to develop, but when one workstation experiencing problems then the other will be affected

This topology is similar to the bus topology, ring topology difference between each other as if the end form a circle ring. On this topology data flow direction, that means all of the computers in the network will participate in the process through which information, so that when one is broken it will affect the entire network.

In this topology, each computer is connected dire
ctly through intermediaries such as media hub / switch. In practice, development of a network does not usually use only one topology, but some combination of the existing topology.

Relationship between devices where each device is connected directly to another device on the network. As a result, in a mesh topology each device can communicate directly with the destination device.

Like the star topology, the device (node, devices) in the tree topology is also connected to a central control (central hub) is working to set up traffic in the network. However, not all devices in the topology tree is connected directly to the central hub. Some devices are connected directly to the central hub, but the other is connected through a secondary hub.

After reading the above description, try to answer some questions below:
1. Search information about the shortage and surplus if using the mesh and tree topology
2. Eearch information about the cabling techniques in star and tree topology

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